How to Flip the Switch & Find Financial Security (with Dr. Barbara O’Neill)

How to Flip the Switch & Find Financial Security (with Dr. Barbara O’Neill)

People want to find financial security in life. Leaving full-time employment to enter retirement is a big transition in most people’s mindset and behavior. Especially Baby Boomers who may have always had a full-time job or for career military people who know nothing different than the military. There are many factors that go into preparing for retirement or flipping the switch like changing from saving to spending or going from full-time work to finding how you like to spend your days. My guest today is here to help you prepare for some of the 35 financial, lifestyle, and social transitions you’ll encounter upon entering retirement. Dr. Barbara O’Neill is the owner/CEO of Money Talk: Financial Planning Seminars and Publications where she writes, speaks and reviews content about personal finance. A Distinguished Professor Emeritus at Rutgers University, after 41 years of service as a Rutgers Cooperative Extension educator and personal finance specialist, she has written over 160 articles for academic publications and received over 35 national awards and over $1.2 million in grants to support her financial education programs and research. There is a lot of great information packed into this show. Some of it you probably have never even thought about before but you need to prepare for.

How to Flip the Switch and Find Financial Security Episode Details

  • How to find financial security
  • Who should be preparing to “flip the switch”
  • When to start preparing
  • The purpose of flipping the switch
  • What people in their 30s and 40s should know about financial security
  • The 35 financial, lifestyle and social transitions people encounter when they enter retirement
  • Barb’s number one piece of advice for someone getting ready to go into retirement

How to Flip the Switch and Find Financial Security Resources

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