Behind the Scenes of Government Contracts and Veteran Business

The military community works hard for the expertise they have. And rightfully so, wants to be paid for what they do and know. But building a business isn’t easy. The money has to come in. Sometimes, in the beginning, that can be through financing, but you can also bring in cash by getting government contracts.  Gerri Detweiler is on the show today to school us up on all the details of financing and government contracts. If this is new to you, no worries, it’s a subject I’m learning more about too. So we’re in it together. Gerri is a nationally recognized business credit and financing expert. She’s the Director of Education at Nav, a fin-tech company that provides business owners with free access to business credit reports and matches them to their best financing options. Gerri is also a board member of Heroes At Home, a non-profit organization dedicated to financial literacy for members of the military and their families.  Get ready, in this episode, Gerri shares a ton of knowledge and resources to help navigate both the subjects of business financing and getting government contracts. 

Government Contracts Episode Details

  • How Veterans can use their skills in business and career transitions
  • The challenges for Veteran businesses
  • Why you need to build “social capital”
  • Common reasons why Servicemembers don’t get financing
  • How to get funding outside of banks
  • Resources to help Servicemembers, Veterans, and spouses in business
  • Finding the right mentorship to help with success
  • Figuring out how much financing you need
  • Understanding how to get government grants
  • What you need to know about government contracts
  • How to become certified as a service-disabled Veteran, Veteran or woman-owned business
  • What a D-U-N-S number is and why you need it for government contracts
  • Business credits reports

Government Contract and Business Financing Resources

Got Money Questions?

If you have questions about money or entrepreneurship, please fill out this form, and Lacey will answer them on the show!


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